Archive for James Dobson

Bring It On

Posted in current events, god, politics, religion with tags , , , on June 25, 2008 by furious buddha

Kenny, check this thread out. You will appreciate it most. If the rest of you are interested in my dialogue with Mormons please follow.

Now, on to what I really want to talk about: James Dobson setting himself (and his brand of Fundamentalism) up for doozy a fall. My old pal Selwyn Duke was always fond of endlessly repeating ‘Pride goeth before a fall’ like the old biddy he is, but this is one of those cases where it’s the appropriate sentiment. Here is the speech that Dobson describes as a ‘deliberate distortion’ of the Bible.

I frequently interact with people who are prevented by their various delusions or misplaced convictions from having an accurate perception of either the world at large or who they are in it. I never fail to feel compassion for these people because it is terrifying to live in a world that one does not comprehend; uncertainty and confusion are terrifying and I can relate to that. Many of them cling to beliefs and rituals that seem incomprehensible until you realize that these beliefs and rituals keep demons that are terrifyingly real to them away.

Sometimes a person finds themselves clinging to the demon that haunts them most. This creature of fear and anger becomes the voice of God for them, filling them with misunderstanding and a confusion of love with hate. They become locked in a shell of certainty, invulnerable to truth and wisdom and cut off from contradiction. They follow their demons where they lead which is to a fall of their own devising.

James Dobson is a demagouge without the theological sophistication to even keep his own childish beliefs straight. His arguments are unhinged; his unjustified accusations reveal his arrogant belief that his understanding of Scripture is the only correct one and that his understanding is deeply flawed and self-serving as well. This bully has been shouting intolerance and hate in Jesus’ name for too long. I signed the petition at James Dobson Doesn’t Speak For Me and I urge my readers to do so as well. It confounds the scoundrels when we stick together.