Why Does Anyone Still Listen to the Smirking Dumbasses?

Glenn Beck: Smirking Dumbass

Rove & O’Reilly: Smirking Dumbasses Really, just watching the two of them talk about Obama being arrogant is like watching a ‘Daily Show’ parody of them talk about Obama being arrogant.

There’s no picture here, but trust me, Selwyn Duke is smirking. And he’s a dumbass. I got a search engine hit for the name ‘Selwyn Duke’ a day after I mentioned his name. I just couldn’t resist seeing what he was up to. Predictably, it was smirking dumbassery. I did not refrain from posting. Lily and Miss Mayweather, you may enjoy this exchange in particular.

The smirking dumbasses are lying. You can tell by the self-satisfied smirk on their faces. You can tell they’re dumbasses by listening to what they have to say. They had the same look on their faces when they talked about what a terrific and brilliant man George W Bush was, although now they carefully try to distance themselves, they never recanted. They were smirking when they told us the Iraq War was not only absolutely necessary to our nations security but would be the greatest adventure of our generation, and it would be cheap, too. They were smirking when they said that the Feds did a ‘heckuva job’ with Katrina and that they would fix it all up right away. They were smirking when they told us tax breaks were just what the economy needed. They must have been smirking because they must have known that nobody would ever take them to task for their words. Otherwise, how could Glenn Beck smirk his way today through his self-serving commentary?

There he is, on CNN.com, pretending that he’s a ‘real’ person by trying to separate himself from the other talking heads by trying to imply that even though he is a great bloviating overpaid talking head on your screen, he’s not really a great bloviating overpaid talking head on your screen. He’s just down home regural folks, sho’ ’nuff. He might even just set a spell and whittle some if he takes a hankerin’. 

There he is, saying things like ‘A conservative believes that each of us has a duty to take care of our neighbors. It was private individuals, companies and congregations that sent water, blankets and supplies to New Orleans far before the government ever set foot there.’ as if he never never called the Katrina survivors ‘scumbags’ or said of them ‘I didn’t think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims.’ There he is, on CNN, pretending to be apolitical, his conservatism a unique personal perspective, saying things like ‘My point is that actions speak louder than words. The “R” and the “D” don’t matter if the people we elect don’t follow through on their promises.’ as if he never lied about events to deflect blame from (R) George Bush onto (D) Ray Nagin. What a hopelessly biased liberal media we have to allow this smirking dumbass disgrace conservatism before such a large audience.

And speaking of smirking dumbasses, has anyone heard from Ilsa, She Devil of the SS lately?


5 Responses to “Why Does Anyone Still Listen to the Smirking Dumbasses?”

  1. Smirking asshole monkeys, definately. By the way, you don’t have hannity?

  2. Sony Pony-
    I just took the three most recent examples in front of me and ran with it. You could spend a lifetime with this stuff; there’s so many of them spewing so many lies into a 24-7 news cycle that it would be impossible to correct and counterargue them all. Instead of One Big Lie, it’s many little ones squirming underfoot that trip us all up.

  3. The Prof Says:


    Hannity’s bad, but Gleen Beck is the worst. Not because he’s a partisan hack (I’m not entirely sure he is, which is part of the problem), but because he seems to be so utterly, painfully stupid. I’d never suggest that about Hannity or Coultergeist or even Rush Limbaugh–assholes, yes, but they’re all playing a game of sorts, giving their audiences what they want to see/hear, and being quite successful at mining the fears and resentments of those who read or listen to them regularly. They’re evil, cruel, and self-serving, yes, but they’re also smart. Glenn Beck isn’t. Just for shits and giggles, I’ve watched several of his commentaries, and he really is just that stone-dumb.

    O’Reilly is his own animal, however–he seems not to be playing a profitable game, or wallowing in fear and ignorance (though he does that well), but instead appears motivated by malignant narcissism. It’s all about how he sees the world and himself, and shouting down anyone who disagrees. Also, he’s stupid. (I mean, really, his brief “tribute” to George Carlin involved him showing a clip in which he was “scolding” Carlin for using bad words.) It all has to be about HIM.

    All I can say is, should Al Franken end up winning the Minnesota Senate seat…I have to be watching. Because that is when O’Reilly will finally, completely, and irrevocably lose his mind. The time is coming when he says or does something so beyond the pale that even FOX won’t be able to tolerate it…I shudder to think what that could be.

  4. Prof-
    You are absolutely right. O’Reilly is primarily a narcissist who would sell us all out to the aliens if they gave him a show. He’d be an asshole of cosmic proportion if he had the chance. Of course, the thought of him having to address Al Franken as ‘Senator’ would be worth hearing everything that’s ever come out of his mouth to this point.

  5. I read and try to listen to both sides of the argument the media and so called journalists have about our current affairs. It is painfully clear that all have there own agendas. They think nothing of the common man. I take that back they believe him ignorant. When will all you genius’s I mean all start telling the inconvient truth. Tell both sides . I know it may be painful to have informed people.
    This is for anyone who decides they have something to say.

    By the way I used to like to listen to keith Olberman. He is now and for a while been no better that Bill O. Both whores for the ratings.

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